We offer a full line of Fixed and Removable Orthodontic Arch Development appliances for the Upper and the Lower Arch. These appliances will help you Expand, Distalize, develop the Premaxilla Forward, and correct crossbites.
Upper Schwartz
Maxillary slow expansion appliance to create space to uncrowd the arch and create better arch form. It can be used for adults and children.
Lower Schwartz
Mandibular slow expansion appliance to upright the posterior teeth, create space to uncrowd the arch and create better arch form. It can be used for adults and children.
Posterior Crossbite Corrector
Maxillary Schwartz Expander with posterior occlusal coverage to allow the posterior crossbite to be corrected without occlusal interference as the arch is expanded.
Fan Expander
Maxillary Expansion Appliance to widen the anterior portion of the arch. The screw opens in a fan or wedge and a hinge in the posterior prevents expansion in the molar region. Good appliance to correct āVā shaped arches and uncrowd the anterior segment.
Nord Unilateral Expander
Maxillary Expansion Appliance to correct a unilateral posterior crossbite. The cut in the acrylic is angled so it will only push on the teeth in crossbite. Occlusal coverage will allow the crossbite to be corrected without interference with the lower arch.
Anterior Drive Sagittal
Maxillary appliance to create arch length by flaring the anteriors forward or developing the Premaxilla forward. Helps correct Division 2 incisors and anterior crossbites.
Distal Drive Sagittal
Maxillary appliance to create arch length by distalizing the posterior segments. Helps to uncrowd the arch and make room for blocked out cuspids. The 2nd molars need to be extracted for optimal distal movement.
3 Screw Anterior Drive Sagittal
Maxillary appliance to expand and create arch length at the same time by flaring the anteriors forward and developing the premaxilla forward. Combination of the Schwartz and Sagittal appliances.
Lower Sagittal
Mandibular appliance to create arch length. With the second molars in place, the appliance will flare the anteriors forward. With the second molars extracted, the appliance will distalize the posteriors.
3 Screw Anterior Drive Sagittal
Maxillary appliance to expand and create arch length at the same time by flaring the anteriors forward and developing the premaxilla forward. Combination of the Schwartz and Sagittal appliances.
Twin Block
Class II correction appliance. Upper and lower appliances work together to bring the mandible down and forward to a Class I relationship. Proper Upper arch form is important, so there is room for the mandible to come forward. It will help reduce the overjet and open the dental deep bite.
One piece appliance that both arches fit into. It is fabricated with the mandible down and forward to correct a Class II Division I relationship. It works similar to the Twin Block, but will take longer to correct the Class II relationship. Also used as a night time retainer to maintain the Class II correction long term.